Mac Hashemian

God Bless Israel!


10 Essential Israeli Charities You Should Know About in 2023

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Birthright Israel seeks to ensure that every eligible young Jewish adult around the world, especially the less connected, is given the opportunity to visit Israel on this educational journey. Birthright Israel Foundation raises funds in the United States to support Birthright Israel Net Worth $1.2 Million. The Birthright Israel program aims to give the gift of an educational trip to Israel to 50,000 young Jewish adults each year.

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Iran's Evil Holocaust Cartoon Contest is No Caricature of Regime's Identity
(a few sick examples displayed below)



Israel News Links

Why Iran Is Such a Coronavirus Threat

Netanyahu Warns Iran is Plotting More Attacks Against Israel

Iran's Confidence Is Rising. So Where's Its 'Revenge' Against Israel?

Netanyahu says Iran seeking means to attack Israel from Yemen

'Not anti-Semitic': Khamenei defines Iran's goal of 'wiping out Israel'

We are here to celebrate the six-pointed Star of David that is a common symbol for both Judaism and Israel. Known in Hebrew as a Magen David (shield of David), geometrically it is two triangles superimposed on each other, forming the shape of a hexagram.

Though today the symbol popularly communicates Jewishness, its associations with Judaism are newer than one might think. Some historians trace it to Jewish communities in the Middle Ages, but these claims are neither fully substantiated nor widely accepted.

What we do know is that in the 17th century, the Jewish quarter of Vienna was marked with a hexagram, to distinguish it from the rest of the city. Around this time, the star also became part of synagogue architecture both in Europe and in the Middle East and North Africa.

After the Dreyfus Affair in the 19th century, the star was adopted by the Zionist movement at its 1897 Congress, and this gave the symbol more international prominence. In the 20th century, the star became even more evocative of Judaism when it was used by the Nazis to mark Jews for persecution. And after the Holocaust, the same star became part of the flag of the nascent State of Israel.

What exactly does it symbolize? Many explanations have been suggested, but none is universally accepted. According to the Zohar, a medieval book of Jewish mysticism, the six points of the star represent the six male sefirot (attributes of God), in union with the seventh sefirah of the female (the center of the shape).

A more modern, existentialist commentary on the Star of David was advanced by the philosopher Franz Rosenzweig in the Star of Redemption, which he wrote on postcards during World War I. Rosenzweig described two interlocking triangles - the corners of one representing creation, revelation, and redemption; the corners of the other representing Man, the World and God.

Today, the Star of David is incorporated into Jewish jewelry design, and it is also commonly found on Judaica objects - from Kiddush cups, to mezuzahs and kippot (and in some Jewish communities, it is engraved on coffins). In Israel, the equivalent of the Red Cross is call Magen David Adom - the "red Star of David."


Iran is an evil state that threatens everyone

Talk during the past two decades about Iran's plan to control the region and threaten the sovereignty of all its states has not been just an exaggeration inspired by the repetitive crises involving Tehran. The story began in the years that followed the Iranian revolution. Taking advantage of manufactured crises, the regime built an empire of armed militias that has become the biggest of its kind in the world today. It has invested all its capabilities in these militias, and established numerous armed and trained organizations in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, as well as Afghanistan; all working under the command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), well beyond the authority of their respective governments. During the few days that preceded Saturday's attack on the Saudi oil-producing facility at Abqaiq, information received from Iraq indicated that three armed organizations had been planning operations against US targets inside Iraq. This reinforces the possibility that the attack against Saudi Arabia was launched from Iraq, the country that is no longer able to control the militias on its territory due to the infiltration of the IRGC. The IRGC has the upper hand in Iraq thanks to several militias that take their funding from the Iraqi government and instructions from Tehran. The same "scenario" is replicated in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen: A failed or weak centralized state, while militias control sovereign decisions in favor of Tehran. The massive attack on the Abqaiq oil facilities does not only target Saudi Arabia, but rather the whole region and even the world; which Tehran wants to acknowledge its dominance, accept its decisions and prepare for a new phase of Iranian dominance in the region. Should we blame ourselves for failing to work on confronting Iran, directly or by proxy, in recent years? Should we blame Washington and the rest of the world powers that have major interests in the region? Iran effectively controls Sanaa, Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut and is working on dominating the Gulf and the rest of the region. Abdulrahman Al-Rashed The truth is that it has not been hard for us to read into the Iranian project since the 1980s, and its confrontation was always based on a defensive strategy. There are those who failed to understand what was happening on the ground, and got lost in believing theories that had nothing to do with the reality we live in. Today, the story is evident and the picture is complete. Iran effectively controls Sanaa, Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut and is working on dominating the Gulf and the rest of the region. The options for confronting Tehran are few because it does not operate in a direct manner, while issuing false denial statements and holding its affiliated organizations, such as the Houthis in Yemen, Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haq in Iraq and Hezbollah in Lebanon, responsible. However, the situation no longer requires much to convince the region's states of the truth that the attack on Abqaiq was orchestrated in Tehran, and is one of the battles it seeks to perpetrate. Can the attack on Abqaiq be a result of the US' suffocation of Iran? No, it is not the result of the economic blockade against Iran; but the opposite is true. One of the reasons behind the economic sanctions, and the rejection of the nuclear agreement (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) was Iran's insistence on implementing its project: Expanding its power and threatening the region's states. The pro-Iran rebel armed militias in Iraq and Lebanon emerged years before the nuclear agreement and the sanctions, not vice versa. The conclusion is that Iran is an evil state with a large project. Its ideology and ambitions resemble those of Al-Qaeda and Daesh; its danger threatens everyone. Without a united front determined to confront it, it will only expand and flourish. IRAN IS A TREAT TO THE WORLD THAT MUST BE STOPPED.